



预见未来. 实现梦想.

参与. 学习. 引领. 服务.


Our singular VISION encapsulates multiple principles from the past.

Our CORE VALUES build on long-established tenets.








我们确定了五大支柱,以加强我们的使命、愿景和核心价值观. They are the key priorities that will move our strategic plan forward. 我们把它称为路线图,因为我们认识到,通过每年的审查,我们需要重新调整重点,制定战略,根据我们对环境的扫描来保持相关性. 每个支柱被分解成具体的, 可衡量的, 可实现的, 相关和基于时间的(SMART)目标,这些目标将成为我们今后几年行动的重点.

  • 学术
  • 优质学生体验
  • 人与文化
  • 参与社区活动
  • 财务实力 & 管理
ACPHS student uses pipette in lab to conduct research
柱1. 学术

奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院一直保持着卓越教育的地位. 我们的产品现在包括强大的远程教育足迹,包括完全在线课程. 教学是通过个人和新的方式进行的,比如增强现实和游戏. Our research laboratories are brimming with activity. 我们的学术声誉和招生是由一个由20名外部资助的教师组成的自我维持的研究项目推动的, 以及CBET的声誉, 这是我们帮助培育的区域生物制药生态系统的重要组成部分.


目标1.1: Launch new, innovative academic offerings

  • Build three online programs from current programs (MS 生物医学科学, Cytotechnology女士, 为女士 & 生物工艺)
  • 建立/获得数据科学、遗传咨询、健康法律和政策等领域的硕士项目
  • Build/acquire BS programs in fields such as 健康科学, 运动科学/运动医学, 健康心理学, 生物信息学, 护理
  • 建立成功的微认证, 证书, and/or associate degree programs in fields such as 生命科学, 联合健康科学, 生物制造 & 生物加工,持续专业发展,制药科学和药学
  • 与其他机构(包括大学和高中)建立双入学和转学协议
  • Recruit to specific programs in addition to College recruitment


  • Achieve full accreditations for all accredited programs
  • 通过创建数据驱动的变化和评估计划来提高所有项目的课程
  • Modernize the general education curriculum
  • Optimize PharmD program prerequisites and curricular structure
  • 建立临床沟通模拟实验室,提供跨学科的学习机会
  • 最大限度地提高现有项目的入学率(达到副院长和系主任提供的容量水平)

目标1.3 .推动突破性研究

  • 增加校内研究经费
  • Increase extramural grant applications and funding
  • 提高研究活动在网站、媒体和社交媒体上的知名度
  • Launch an upgraded research and lab equipment inventory system
  • Synergize MBB programming with ACPHS core academic offerings
Two students blow bubbles at ACPHS Springfest
柱2. 优质学生体验

ACPHS的包容性和归属感在校园和我们的虚拟课堂中无处不在. 学生们通过正式调查和口口相传来分享他们的满意度, 无论是当面还是在社交媒体上. 第一年的保留率保持在90%以上,在线毕业率远高于全国平均水平. Students report that the quality of instruction is excellent, opportunities for engagement and fun are unsurpassed, 而且学校是一项有价值的投资, 如果再给他们一次选择的机会,他们会在哪里重新注册. 未来的学生吵着要加入他们.


目标2.1: Enhance student success inside the classroom

  • Develop and execute an official student onboarding process
  • Implement a first-year high interaction experience in each program
  • Amplify effective offerings that build well-rounded students
  • 建立一个成功的测试中心
  • Nurture a culture of high performance and innovation in teaching, delivery and assessment with appropriately staffed programs

目标2.2: Amplify student success outside the classroom

  • Cultivate a culture of engagement across the community
  • Develop formalized support for at-risk students
  • Increase and diversify campus activity opportunities
  • 制定学生运动的长期计划,以吸引和留住学生
  • Optimize student satisfaction based on data

目标2.3: Prioritize wellness and inclusive support

  • Enhance campus support for inclusive campus access
  • 执行国际学生咨询委员会(ISAC)的建议
  • 多样化的食物和文化选择


  • Align campus development with current 战略计划 goals
  • 进行校园无障碍审查
Two students have smiling faces on Welcome Back day
支柱3. 人与文化

校园欣欣向荣,引人入胜, 一个卓越的地方, 协作, 服务与领导, 特别是, 是培养. 领导力发展和专业发展经历是稳健和令人满意的. Employees rate the school a top workplace, and high-performing faculty and staff compete for positions. High-impact initiatives draw the interest of influential donors. Active and engaged alumni boost opportunities for students.


目标3.1: Focus on people: “culture is everyone’s job”

  • Expand internal community engagement opportunities
  • 采用反映公司核心价值观的部门政策、程序、行为和文化
  • Advance lifelong learning and leadership with career growth
  • Expand job mentorship linkages between alumni and students
  • 增加全体员工的福利、专业发展和参与机会

目标3.2 .创造一个发展伙伴.g.院长、教职员、单位领导等.)聚光灯倡议

  • Create a culture of “best (aligned) ideas win”
  • Identify “rising stars” within programs, centers and initiatives
  • 调动“明星”和他们的影响,形成星座的大想法
  • 引导发展伙伴了解慈善事业的新趋势和最佳实践

目标3.3: Achieve operational excellence at all levels of the organization

  • Implement a leadership development program for high potential individuals
  • Optimize talent acquisition and growth programs (internal and external)
  • Leverage external partnerships to build sustainable capacity
  • 使用最先进的数据处理、分析和报告工具
  • Optimize direct applications for student recruitment
  • Fully implement recommendations from the AACRAO report
Toyin Tofade在MVP活动上剪彩
柱4. 参与社区活动

学校加强了与首都地区合作伙伴的联系, 纽约州, 全国乃至全球都提高了所有利益相关者对ACPHS的认识, drawing in prospective students and donors. 我们是与工业界、高等教育合作伙伴和经济开发商合作创建的生物制药中心的重要组成部分. 我们的伙伴关系, 在除南极洲以外的所有大陆上, allow students to participate in rotations, study abroad programs and career opportunities. 由于这些伙伴关系,教师们在国内和世界各地增加了合作.



  • 展示和播放儿童健康服务故事
  • 加强社区关系,通过服务和健康促进为更健康的社区提供解决方案
  • Increase local, national and international partnerships
  • Implement marketing / advertising plan per 战略计划
  • 在社区中建立CBET,作为生命科学经济增长的驱动力, 生物技术和生物制药

目标4.2: Create a virtual Center for Corporate and Public 参与ment

  • Optimize outreach and outcomes for the College and its external partners
  • 建立一个动态的顶级/关键合作伙伴名单


  • 建立一个地方、国家和国际的导师和合作者网络
  • Leverage experiential network as a value-added recruitment tool
  • 增加校友的外展和参与
  • 为合作实验室和学生经营的药房制定社区日历
  • Assess community impact of student-operated pharmacies
柱5. 财务实力 & 管理

成长和创业驱动的心态确保了我们机构的长期可持续性. 招生人数2人左右,000名学生和总计超过1000万美元的新捐款为学校的未来提供了坚实的财务基础. As the premier biotech training program for the region and beyond, CBET产生的收入维持其项目并允许投资. 与其他机构和项目的长期战略合作伙伴关系为各方提供收入.



  • Cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset at all levels of the organization
  • Conduct a comprehensive analysis of current and future market trends
  • 获得能够改变机构发展轨迹的项目和人才
  • Develop a robust marketing strategy for optimal growth

目标5.2: Leverage CBET as a key ACPHS differentiator

  • Establish CBET in the Capital Region as a biopharma hub
  • Offer high-impact and high-volume workforce development solutions
  • Establish robust pipelines for contract research opportunities
  • Increase partnerships and extramural funding for CBET

目标5.3: Create a “top prospect management ecosystem”

  • Hardwire a core stewardship and high-impact reporting process
  • Develop a transparent pipeline review process
  • 加强年度捐赠策略
  • 建立一个主要的礼品策划团队

目标5.4 .缩小贫富差距

  • 将入学人数增加到2000人左右
  • Balance operating budget with a strong financial outlook
  • Endorse a culture of philanthropy and community engagement
  • Develop key alliances to deliver economies of scale
  • Provide effective technology solutions (CRM, e-Commerce)

目标5.5: Implement transformative changes beyond the core

  • Identify bold ideas to move the College continually forward
  • 创建一个冠军委员会,审查和优先考虑多样化的机会, 地域扩张和创新举措和想法的发展
  • 实施未来的技术解决方案(人工智能、虚拟现实、增强现实、游戏休息室)